Making a Good Villain

It is challenging to create a believable bad guy.

​Somehow, his or her back story must make sense. Somehow, there must be a possibility for a scoundrel to turn around. Somehow, as readers we need to see something of ourselves in a really great villain.

​Zorasch is the central antagonist in The Dragon’s Bones saga. Called the Conqueror by those who follow and fear him, he has subjugated cities and towns with ruthless efficiency.


​So, why and how did Zorasch become the Conqueror? Wielding the Words: The Dragon’s Bones Book One and Battling the Bones: The Dragon’s Bones Book Two tell you how.

​But what about his future? I’m still figuring that out as I work on the final chapters of Conquering the Curse: The Dragon’s Bones Book Three. As a complimentary reviewer just wrote, “Unfortunately, Volume III is not out yet.”

​We’ll both have to wait to see what happens.